How to get started

If you want to start changing your life, but you don’t know where to start, download our FREE 33 page eBook which contains LifeDesign™ tools you can immediately use to make positive changes. Click here to take a look inside.


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Whatever your situation, LifeDesign™ for Beginners can help


Need help deciding what to do?: If you want help with a problem or insights, “What can I do?” LifeDesign™ for Beginners will help you clarify your thinking.


What needs to change?: If you have decided you need to change but need a plan, Life Design for Beginners™ will support you in creating it.


Can’t get Going? “I’ve got a plan, I just need help to carry it out” LifeDesign™ for Beginners will help you get started and stay on track.



Your life is a project and projects need careful planning


Comprehensive plans develop understanding, help create action and give you a way to control things. Comprehensive life plans change lives comprehensively! The LifeDesign™ Method will help you think things through and introduce you to tools and techniques which you can use to make things happen.


Ready to get started? Lets go…


life design for beginners thumbnail LifeDesign™ for Beginners will help you get your very life planning journey started and more importantly, it is alsolutely free. This 33 page eBook can be used on your phone, desktop or tablet. You will be able to plan your life at home, on the train or even on holiday! Find out what life planning is and why you should see your life as project . You will be starting our LifeDesign™ 6 Step Process in no time and making the changes you want, quicker than you think.


design for life compatibility

all our downloads are in PDF format and will work on any device


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